Owner / Statutory Representative
Ing. Viliam Zajko
Strategic, Development, Sales
has been the owner and manager of the company since its establishment, which dates back to 1995. In 20 years, he has built a stable and reliable company that has become a leader in its field not only in Slovakia, but also in Europe. He applies his rich experience in every direction - from the process of management, proposal and coordination of the projects to the performance of non-destructive inspections in the field of power equipment and engineering itself. At the same time, he looks after the constant development of the WIZACO company, analyzes the results of individual measurements and, obviously, proposes solutions to the observed deficiencies. A studied engineer began to capitalize his skills soon after graduating from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Slovak Technical University, when he started to work in SES Tlmače. From the position of defectoscopy technician and planner, he rose to become the head of specialized technical personnel in the SES INSPEKT company. He holds a number of certificates. Subsequently, he started to devote to the development of his own company, today’s leader in its field.
Research, development, human resources
Miroslav Záturecký
- +421 918 859 407
- miroslav.zaturecky@wizaco.eu
has longtime experience in the field of non-destructive testing. Since 1982, he worked as the head of defectoscopy centre ZOS Zvolen, where he was responsible for leading and coordination of working groups, dealing with NDT problems and cooperating with the management of the company. Later on, he held the position of the main lecturer, inspector (VT, MT, PT, UT, RT) and driving examiner of NDT specialists. His current position is the Managing Director for education, research and development, where he uses his gained experience. He is a holder of a number of certificates.
Administrative management
Ľuboslava Zajková
- +421 905 369 249
- lubka.zajkova@wizaco.eu
has worked on the position of office manager since the establishment of the company. She is responsible for a wide range of activities, from preparing price offers, organizing corporate events or trainings up to payroll and complaint procedure. She has a stable position in the company since 2003 and utilizes her rich professional experience from previous workplaces. Among those belongs the company NDT Consult, where she worked for 15 years as a Chief Economist of the company. As a studied economist, she speaks Russian and German. Under the leadership, the economic department fulfills its tasks in relation to the company consistently and with no errors, above all in relation to the customers.